Get in Step: An In-depth Guide to the Lively Quickstep Dance

So, you reckon you know all about the quickstep dance, eh? This energetic ballroom staple is a whirlwind of swift, lively steps and pulsating rhythms that can leave even seasoned dancers breathless.

You’ve been entranced by its speed and complexity. You’ve admired the nimble footwork of professionals on TV shows like “Dancing with Stars”. Beyond its dazzling footwork, the quickstep is a celebration of happiness.

The quickstep dance isn’t just a test of agility—it’s also an expression of joy. It originated in 19th century England but really found its groove during the swing era in New York City.

Ready to dive into Quickstep’s past, ace the essential moves, or just curious why it’s rocking the competitive dance floor? Strap in! We’re on for a ride.

Table of Contents:

The Energetic World of Quickstep Dance: A Close Look

Before we dive into the vibrant world of Quickstep dance, let’s take a quick glance at what makes this ballroom dance so unique and dynamic.

This rhythmic style is known for its fast, lively steps, paired with upbeat music. The key here? It’s danced to an impressive speed of around 200 beats per minute. That’s where it gets its name from – the “quick” in Quickstep isn’t just for show.

Let me break it down:

Dance Style: The rhythm and style that characterise Quickstep make it a favourite among dancers worldwide. From swift movements across the floor to graceful turns and slides, every move adds up to create this distinctive dance form.

The Basic Step: Dancers perform alternating quarter beat steps followed by half-beat ones called chasses. This sequence includes slow walks forward or backward along with quick runs interspersed throughout – hence the term ‘Quickstep’.

The International Standard Style: Amongst five standard dances recognised globally, Quickstep holds its own thanks to its high tempo requiring agility while maintaining smoothness on each glide across the floor. Did you know that Perth Western Australia has been home to Daele Fraser’s studio teaching these skills for over 50 years?

Fancy giving it a go yourself? Come join us at our renowned studio.

Now, having understood why Quickstep is such an exhilarating experience, let’s step back in time next as we uncover how this energetic dance first came about.

From humble beginnings in 19th century England all the way through gaining popularity amongst suburban New Yorkers during the Roaring Twenties – there’s plenty more history waiting.

Tracing the Origins of Quickstep Dance: A Brief Journey

Before we hit the dance floor, let’s take a moment to step back in time and explore how ballroom dancing, specifically quickstep dance, came into being.

I’ve got this handy timeline that’ll guide us through its evolution:

19th Century England: The birthplace of Quickstep. Influenced by dances like Viennese Waltz, it soon became a favourite amongst dancers for its lively tempo and complex footwork.

The Roaring 1920s New York: The rhythm travelled across continents. With big band swing music at its peak in suburban New York, quickstep found an audience who loved jazzing up their steps with some syncopated moves.

Influence of Big Band Swing Music: This new musical genre added layers to Quicksteps’ choreography. It brought changes like replacing hop steps with chasse steps which gave way to more technical yet exciting performances.

Australian Ballroom Dancing Studios – Daele Fraser Studio: An example of places that took ballroom dancing forward over many decades including promoting dances like quicksteps due to their captivating appeal.

Note: This journey doesn’t end here. Want to delve deeper into mastering techniques and steps integral to this energetic progressive dance? We’re going there next.

Now you know where it all started from but remember; every dancer has their own unique style. So as you start your journey towards learning quicksteps or any other form of ballroom dancing, keep exploring until you find what resonates best with your soul.

In our upcoming section on “Mastering Techniques and Steps in Quickstep Dance,” I will break down key aspects such as chasse step, knee actions, and body posture that are crucial when trying out these intricate routines.

Mastering Techniques and Steps in Quickstep Dance: A Complete Breakdown

The Quickstep dance, known for its energetic progressive nature, relies heavily on specific techniques like the chasse step, syncopated steps, knee actions, and a firm body posture. Did you know that syncopated steps are quite common in this lively dance with a 4/4 time signature?

Now let’s dissect these elements:

Technique #1: The Chasse Step. This is where one foot gracefully ‘chases’ another before stepping to the side. It gives your movements fluidity on the floor.

Technique #2:Your journey into mastering Quickstep won’t be complete without understanding syncopated steps, which is our next focus. These rhythmically intricate patterns involve shifting weight between feet during a single beat of music – they add an exciting layer to your performance.

Technique #3:Knee Actions play an integral role when it comes to smooth transitions between different sequences within this fast-paced routine. Flexing those knees right will help maintain balance while performing complex moves such as runs or lock-steps.

Technique #4:Last but not least – Body Posture. Keeping proper alignment throughout your performance isn’t just aesthetically pleasing; it also ensures stability when executing complicated high-speed moves and efficient energy transfer from one move to another without losing momentum.

It might seem daunting at first glance but don’t worry – once you start practising these techniques together rather than individually, things will start falling into place.

Excited about taking what you’ve learnt onto competitive stages? In our next section, we’ll guide you through competing with quickstep dance internationally.

Competing with Quickstep Dance: The Insider’s Guide

Before we delve into the details of mastering the art of competitive quickstep, let me provide you with a brief overview of what this lively dance form entails in the world of competitive ballroom dancing.

This guide is structured around a unique 3-step framework that will assist you in understanding and excelling at performing quicksteps competitively.

Let’s break it down:

Step #1: Understand what sets The Modern Quickstep apart and makes it appealing. This version has evolved over time, becoming faster-paced and more intricate, putting dancers’ agility and stamina to the test like never before.

Step #2: Master your performance by understanding how to express musicality through movement while flawlessly executing intricate footwork patterns. Remember, every detail contributes to your overall score in any competitive ballroom event.

Step #3: Familiarize yourself with its evolution. It’s crucial to know that modern quickstep differs from its earlier versions, gaining popularity among audiences and becoming a key component of competitive ballroom dances.

Tips for Success: To stand out from other competitors in this high-energy style, ensure your rhythm remains consistent throughout your performance – judges appreciate dancers who can embody their chosen music piece while executing the steps associated with such an energetic style perfectly.

Now armed with these insights about competing using this vibrant dance form known as ‘quick step’, we’ll move on to our next topic.

This involves understanding the influence of popular culture on dances like quicksteps, specifically examining the role of TV shows in popularizing various forms of dance.

Popular Culture’s Role in Shaping Quickstep Dance

Quickstep dance, a lively and fast-paced ballroom style, has evolved over time under the influence of popular culture. But how exactly? Let me break it down for you.

Television: One of the most potent catalysts is television. It breathes life into traditional dances like quicksteps by showcasing them to millions worldwide.

Dance Shows: Programs such as Dancing with the Stars not only display these forms but also educate viewers about their intricacies. The dancers’ performances on upbeat big band show tunes or contemporary pop hits illustrate the energy and rhythm that characterise quicksteps.

Note: The choice between traditional tunes versus modern songs significantly impacts how dancers interpret and perform this vibrant dance form.

The Impact Of Dance Crazes And Music Choices

Apart from shows, another significant factor influencing quicksteps evolution are dance crazes. They often stem from these programs themselves, enticing more people to engage with dancing either as spectators or participants. This popularity plays a vital role in shaping how styles evolve – blending new moves from current genres while preserving their unique traits.

Moving onto music choices – they’re integral to any dance form; setting its pace and mood – even more so for high-tempo dances like quicksteps where timing is everything.

Fascinating Fact:
Big Band Show Tunes were once considered standard for quickstep routines due to their fast tempo but now thanks largely due to mainstream media’s influence we see an increasing use of contemporary pop songs too.

Wrapping up our exploration on cultural influences affecting Quickstep’s development let’s shift gears towards distinguishing Foxtrot from other traditional dances.

Differentiating Between Foxtrot and Other Ballroom Dances: The Unravelled Mystery

When it comes to ballroom moves, there’s a certain allure and beat that makes each one distinct. In this mix, the foxtrot dance stands out with its eclectic fusion of elements from traditional dances like One Step, Peabody, Black Bottom, and Charleston.

The specialty about foxtrots? It’s their versatility. Unlike other ballroom styles which stick to either fast or slow tempos, you can do the Charleston foxtrot at both paces. No quick hops or jumps here – just a smooth glide across the floor.

And then we have patterns. While many traditional dances are strict on tempo, in a Foxtrot Charleston, syncopated steps allow dancers more freedom for self-expression on the dance floor.

Foxtrots vs Other Traditional Dances: A Closer Look

If you compare Foxy with others such as tango or waltz – sure there are similarities but also distinct differences when examining closely. For instance:

1) Tango has staccato movements; waltz is all about rise-and-fall motion while Foxy maintains an even flow throughout without abrupt changes making it look graceful and effortless.

2) To master perfect Foxy isn’t simply learning steps; rather understanding these nuances that make each style different from another.

Now that we’ve unlocked what makes classic Foxy stand out among conventional ballroom dancing styles let me tell you something important – knowing how they differ won’t be enough until you give them a go yourself. So why not get started learning this beautiful art form? Let’s dive into some beginner tips in our next section.

Getting Started With Learning To Perform A Perfect Foxtrot

The foxtrot, a favourite for ballroom parties, embodies sophistication and elegance. Its versatility is showcased through various music genres. Now let’s dive into how to master this beautiful art form.

Step #1: Choose Your Music Wisely

Picking the right song can enhance your dancing experience immensely. Here are ten songs we reckon are perfect for dancing foxtrots:

  1. “Cheek to Cheek” by Ella Fitzgerald – a perfect number for foxtrotting.
  2. “Blue Moon” by Frank Sinatra.
  3. “It Had to Be You” by Harry Connick Jr..
  4. “The Way You Look Tonight” by Michael Bublé.
  5. “Fly Me To The Moon” by Julie London.

Fancy trying out these tunes?

Fancy learning more about quickstep lessons online? Check out our classes here at Daele Fraser’s studio.

Step #2: Dive Into Dance Lessons

We offer dance lessons in Perth, Western Australia, and also quickstep lessons online tailored specifically for beginners looking to learn this beautiful art form. Start today. It’s never too late or early.

Step #3: Practice Makes Perfect Foxtrot Steps

Your first few attempts might not be flawless, but don’t lose heart. Regular practice sessions help you improve over time. It’s all about progress over perfection.

FAQs in Relation to Quickstep Dance

What is the quickstep dance style?

The Quickstep is a lively ballroom dance characterized by fast, energetic steps and upbeat music. It’s one of the five standard international dances.

What is the difference between a quickstep and a foxtrot?

While both are progressive dances, the Foxtrot has a slower rhythm with smooth movements, while the Quickstep features rapid footwork to faster tempo music.

What are the basic steps of Quickstep?

The basic step in Quickstep involves chasse steps combined with syncopated movements and knee actions, danced to 4/4 time signature tunes.

What is the difference between quick step and two step?

A Two Step typically has slower paced moves than a Quick Step. The latter also includes more complex patterns involving hops, runs, quick walks, and rotation.


The quickstep dance is a whirlwind of energy and rhythm, setting hearts racing with its lively steps.

From the ballrooms of 19th century England to suburban New York in the Roaring Twenties, it has danced its way into our hearts.

It’s not just about fast footwork. The technique involves syncopated steps, precise knee actions, and maintaining an elegant body posture throughout.

This vivacious dance form also holds a significant place on the competitive stage where it shines brightly among other standard dances.

Culture too plays its part, with TV shows like ‘Dancing With The Stars’ adding to Quickstep’s popularity by showcasing stunning performances set to upbeat Big Band tunes or even contemporary pop hits!

Daele Fraser’s Ballroom Dancing Studio invites you for a twirl around the dance floor. Learn this energetic progressive dance under expert guidance and experience how fun learning can be! Whether you’re new to dancing or looking forward to mastering your skills in Quickstep Dance – we’ve got something for everyone at Step right up and join us today!